Friday, April 22, 2011

Quick Cookie Cake Decorating

My daughter stayed up late one night to make this cookie cake for one of her teachers - and yes, she is the "Teacher's Pet."  It has been long enough ago, that I cannot remember the occasion for the cookie cake, but I do remember that I ended up having to decorate it for her in the morning before she went to school.   Now, mornings around here are quite busy getting 4 kids off to school, so I had to come up with something easy and quick.  Thank goodness for canned frosting (both chocolate and white) and some yellow food coloring.  I also have one of these handy dandy decorating tools that made piping very quick - much easier than filling plastic decorating bags!

Now, I know it's no work of art, but it's cute nonetheless - don't you think?

For some reason I feel like shopping at Walmart now. . .

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